PERSONALIZED loud & clear messages
WHO'S WHO your identification sign
GET DIGITAL custom LED messages

Public Works Signs

The friendliest signs in town!

From schools to public services to government bodies – we have the signs to suit your community’s needs.

Our strong signs win the upstanding citizen award, annually.

Public works sign cabinets are made of extruded aluminum and polycarbonate for long lasting durability and quality appearance.  Our lighted signs are durable, energy-efficient and will not rust. Turn-key signage means we offer locking vandal covers, 120-150 mph wind load warranties, performance guarantee on your vinyl graphics and a standard set of 300 quick-change letter cards. (Additional quantities & options available!) Your completed sign will be installed and hard-wired by a local technician, and if you haven’t found that person, we can help with that too! The information below can help you narrow down your choices and get a quote on the sign you want.

Learn more about our public works signs…